
What is Filk?

There are many definitions of Filk. The word stems from a typographical error in a science fiction convention programme more years ago than I've been alive. Where it should have been advertising "folk" music, instead it was listing "filk" music. Fans being what fans are, the clasification stuck. I guess in the strictest sense of the word, filk is folk music, having as its theme things from the science-fiction and fantasy realms. Often it parodies well known (or less well known) songs. In all honesty though, a much wider range of musical tastes and styles is encompassed. While a lot of the music is folky, there are also rockier bands, and people like Talis whom it is impossible to classify. For me the pleasure of filk lies with the people. They are a welcoming group, always ready to listen to a song, no matter how good, bad or indifferent the singer. I sing occasionally, but tend to be more filker-listener than filker-performer. I am also an occasional lyricist.

Filk Wot I Wrote.

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